Sunday 13 April 2014

Road to Recovery...

28 years ago today , about this time, I was arguing with my mother on the way to detox . I was afraid, I know that now , anger was just easier to feel. I was afraid of the unknown, I was afraid of who I would become without drugs, I was afraid if I would ever be able to stop what I was doing, even though it was killing me. I learnt that when the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the fear of change, you can move . On that first night in detox I went to my first meeting, everyone I had ever been was there. Westies , bikers, punks, Gucci clan, normal folks, hippies . I was so trying to be me, that I completely got lost. People approached me cause I stood up an identified I was at the detox, I don't remember it but I was probably made a big deal of clapping wise , cause I was one day clean. They said keep coming back. Well 28 years of daily reprieve from something that I could not control for one day, has lead me through an amazing life. In this moment as I pause to be grateful, thinking of my beautiful wife, adorable boys, best friends a man can have, and opportunities I could never have created on my own, I say thank you to all that have answered a phone to me, listened to me when I was mad, especially when I thought I was not! Gone for coffee after a meeting, and supported me through listening when I share, my heart is filled by you. And thank you to those who came before me that have stayed clean, constantly inspiring me to love more, trust more and give more. Every time I go to a convention, a local meeting and you are still there sharing your experience strength and hope, I know that I am not alone, and that just for today, I am an addict, and I will not pick up a drug .