Thursday 23 October 2014

Breaking Free Pia Mellody

Last night in the wonderful Life Skills 2 group, Based on Pia Mellodys Breaking Free group, we walked back in time and watched Pia revealing what has gone on to be pioneering work with the effects of childhood trauma. The courageous honesty and powerful skills of connection this women's work is inspiring in us all in the group, reminds me how grateful I am that at 2 1/2 years clean I found co-dependents anonymous and Facing Co dependence. Don't let the Big 80's hair, pastel colors and glasses that reflect the fashion of the time put you off. Pia was on fire, and if you have Codependency, have experienced childhood trauma, then what your about to her will change your life.

Friday 3 October 2014

Poem for John Lee on his birthday.

For John Lee on his Birthday.

John's book "At My Fathers Wedding",  "The Flying Boy", "Facing the Fire", "Half Lived Life", to name a few, have changed my life over the years. The Men's Gatherings, and the permission Johns presence gave men to be vulnerable and yet still be strong, was a beautiful experience to be part of. His ground breaking work with Robert Bly, and for John in particular, the bridge he built for recovering men to be a solid part of the Mythopoetic part of the Men's Movement mad e it so much easier, and yet still safe in our recovery. 
I remember running men's retreat based on Johns "Healing the Father-Son Wound" The re-empowerment I saw in the Men who had the courage to grieve the loss of the Fathers they wished their fathers could be, and the emerging love for themselves as they excepted themselves, and their fathers the way they were. 
The Anger I needed to get out, that Facing the Fire Helped me with, and many other men and women, through simple but incredibly healing processes that I still use and recommend to others to this day.
Giants walk amongst us as ordinary men, and John Herald Lee is on of those Giants.
Thank you John from Men Downunder, that will never be the same for knowing and experiencing you.
All my Love.
Steve Stokes


Poems won’t pay the rent
They paint the sky yellow
Pave pathways to sacred places
Cut the toenails of giants
Steal nose hairs
From hags hidden in dark forest

They make cloths for little people
Stich wounds in broken things
Colour in 100’s and 1000’s
With little brushes

Tickle you awake from sleep
With scary stories
And chuckle at your bed sweats

Keep all your ugly photos
Exhibiting them when you out of town
Keep you naive with constant praise

Poems don’t change the world
They make food rot in fridges
Wrap dreams in plastic
Disturb the comfortable
Put dust on trophies, under beds
Use your tooth brush

Poems won’t change your life
They change bugs into butterflies
Breathe for eagle soars
Light candles for the dead
Make young people old

Poems won’t find you God
They will take you under the earth
Saw through your shoelace
Leaving just a thread                                        

Poems won’t pay your debts
But they will make you a blanket out of leaves
Introduce you to the moon
Paint your face with mud
Teach you to dance
With Dragon flies

Poems won’t pay your wages
They will change your money into buttons
And bury you in gold

Stephen J. Stokes