Sunday 15 February 2015

Webinar on South Pacific Privates website available now.

Here's the Webinar I presented for SPP last Wednesday, it was on Boundaries, and Reality sharing. It was an odd experience at the time, as the slides I practiced on, were not the slides that came up when I did it. So as each slide came up, it was an opportunity to practice spontaneity ! I hope the message still shines through.

These Functional Adult Skills have changed the way I experienced myself, and have made healthy relationships a real possibility. I grew up in a Family that had Mental Illness as it's organizing principle. As a 1st child I was emeshed with my mother, the source of the illness, and I tried my best to make her OK, so I would be OK. But that placed me close to her, and as a perfectionist, narcissist and Rager. It led to alot of trauma. My self Esteem, ability to set functional Boundaries, and my experience of my reality, were all experienced in the extremes. These skills finally start to bring Moderation into the experience of self. Recovery is a life long Journey, and I have been brateful to learn hopw important it is to address not only the addictions, but the underlying Developmental Trauma that led to them. I hope this information Boundaries and Reality Sharing is helpful and interesting. Pia Mellody's Facing Co-depencey and her workbook Breaking Free will be the next step.