Wednesday 6 January 2016

Certified Sex Addiction Training coming Downunder!

Below is information from the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals training schedule for Certified Sex Addiction Therapy Training. Look at August.. Thats right, it is happening here for the first time! this is amazing . Dr. Stefanie Carnes and Kenneth Adams will be facilitating the training, who are two of the worlds authorities on sex addiction.
There will be three modules taught over 18 mths and we are in for a real treat. This addiction is devastating. Treating it takes real skill and training.Dr. Patrick Carnes has through his Out of the Shadows book and the work book Facing the Shadow provided two tools I have been using in the Men's Relapse Prevention Program at South Pacific Private and the group is deep, rich, challenging but providing such a safe haven for growth and recovery. A Women's group has just started as well so please, if this is an issue for you, come and see us at SPP, or contact me privately. If you are suffering the Trauma as a partner of a sex addict please contact me, SPP or Sharlyn Drayton at Arise Counselling. She runs Women's groups for partners
This addiction effects men and women equally. Gay ,Lesbian, Transgender and Hetrosexual. It cannot be treated as a sex therapy issue. The neurobiology of this process addiction needs to be addressed, and a clear pathway of recovery established for any real success to take place. Like all addictions, it is cunning baffling and powerful, and it's three destinations are Jails institutions and death. This addiction and Love and Avoidance addiction are driven from the original attachment woundings and therefore crushingly difficult to break free from, but with a comprehensive lifestyle change starting with the breaking of Self Delusion, and a spirit filled conversion, then recovery is possible.
You do not have to suffer alone again.
For Professionals that want to up their skills, then this course is the essential.I will write more soon, but this was to raise the awareness and save the date. IITAP and CSAT credentials put will give you access to so much therapeutic support and data and research, that will be invaluable as you treat your clients. There is a pandemic of porn, sexual dysfunction, inability for presence and resilience in relationships. The impact zone is widening to where the average age that children begin to be introduced to Pornography is 10. We are as a race being desensitized regarding what is real sex driven by intimacy by the propaganda that is portrayed in the cybersex world. Its something we need to stand up for, and as professionals here is an opportunity to be better a supporting the clients as they start making their way into your company.
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Training
Module 1 of 4
"Facing The Shadows - An Introduction to Treating Sex Addiction"

February 3rd - 7th, 2016
Bellevue, Washington
March 16th-20th, 2016
Ocklawaha, Florida
August 24th - 28th, 2016
Sydney, Australia
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist receive the knowledge, tools, and 24/7 community support that will help you with your most challenging clients.
Don't miss this opportunity to take the first step toward joining the ranks of distinguished Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) professionals and being recognized as an expert in the field of sex addiction treatment.