Monday 12 June 2017

New Yallom Group starting

New Group- Starting this week. Yallom process group. Fantastic way to increase your communication and relational skills!

I have loved and hated at moments being part of a Yallom style process group. The unique opportunity to be in real time and receive honest feedback about how you are experienced by others. This in the moment feedback in a group setting, allows you the opportunity to modify your communication style in the moment, learning and growing .
One on one therapy has been amazing two, but group work takes relationship potential to a new level because you can practice the skills as part of the group process.
Please contact me for more information.


• Discovering and accepting previously unknown or unacceptable parts of yourself
• Being able to say what was bothering you instead of holding it in
• Other members telling you honestly how they experience you
• Learning how to express your feelings
• The group’s teaching you about the type of impression you make on others
• Expressing negative and/or positive feelings towards another member
• Learning that you must take responsibility for the way you live your life, no matter how much guidance and support you get from others
• Learning how you come across to others
• Seeing that others can reveal embarrassing information and take other risks and benefit from it will help you to do the same and take risks
• Feeling more trustful of groups and other people