Friday 1 May 2015

Don't quit before the miracle happens...

It's Friday night, I'm still at the coalface, been a powerful week of growing awareness, confronting old patterns, and growing through relationship. As Pia Mellody says, sometimes  recovery  is like "Trudging the road to happy destiny"
There was some trudging this week, that's for sure. However, there was the glow of many miracles lighting the way.
Pia talks about the disconnection that happens from the soul when we experience developmental trauma, but the warming reality is, if we stay in recovery, moving from the disconnection to connection, then we get that soul re-connection through recovery at depth.', leading to a life better than we have ever known.
Not stopping before the miracle happens means to me, that I cannot stop at just abstinence, just stop at dealing with the secondary symptoms. The miracle happens when I go beyond that, dealing and healing the deeper wounds that lead to the disconnection from self, resulting in the Toxic Shame, that I then spent the rest of my time needing to medicate myself away from.
Therefore, recovery cannot just consist of an abstinence to the medication, it can go far deeper than that. It can be the deep healing of the wound, where once in the process of healing I get back into relationship , not only with myself and others, but with God as I understand God. That is the miracle on offer, that quitting before I get it would mean I was ripping myself off.
Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, means once I am in this deep soul connection, then the world opens up for me. This connection gives me a message to carry to others, and a set of values and principles that when I actively live them,  leads to a deep wisdom, and the ability to be in the now, spontaneous and open, to giving and receiving in my humility and my humanity.

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