Friday 6 November 2015

Strong Women

Today ,MOvember Day 6. I watched two strong women, survivors of war, of life, of raising children to adults Parents to grandparents to great grandparents . One was my mother 85 the other my Aunty , 95. Aunty May  in Hospital, life on the farm is taking its toll, she has farmed her whole life, the last 20 years solo. Aunty May said she wants to come up for Christmas, I reckon she will be there. I then went walking as part of my MOVEmber campaign. Twilight, through the streets of Albury, rang my wife, 35, another strong and courageous woman. She is having a baby, not we , she. We are not pregnant , she is. Don't get me wrong . I am stoked to be a dad again, I can't wait . My children have been the greatest source of joy in my life. I know it's not politically correct , but my wife's up against major challenges right now. I will do everything I can and everything it takes but I am in a supporting role. It's a battle. She is strong, her mother is strong. I am blessed to be surrounded by the depth of strong women. What a mighty force. I learnt from my father that you take care of family. So tonight, I am on the road, not playing in the band, but supporting my Mother , supporting my Aunty, and I reckon we will all make Christmas and by Easter there will be a baby and and my Queen scout will doing it all again with baby number three. The family legacy is changing , and changing for the good .

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