Sunday 21 August 2016

22 Pushups for PTSD and Complex PTSD-I want to offer something......

I have been moved by my friends on Facebook taking the 22 push ups challenge.A social media shout out to raise awareness for the suicide rate of veterans. I have been a little worried that I am going to get called out, as my fitness right now is not great, food had been a long term issue regarding my own CPTSD. I am one of the people author Pete Walker was speaking to in his book dedication  at the beginning  of his Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-From Surviving to Thriving, where he dedicates it "to those who on a regular basis were verbally and emotionally abused at the dinner table, and I pray that this book will help you heal any damage that was done to you and your relationships with food" 

So it got me thinking, what can I do?

 I have been working with trauma for nearly 30 years now. In the last ten years it started to really break through into new territory with the decade of the brain, and recently I have been rejuvenated as a therapist   with real results practising Brainspotting and Radial Exposure therapy with PTSD clients.
Both Somatically driven, bottom of the brain up approaches to dealing with trauma.
It simple terms. folks that have been having years of talk therapy, have been arriving and making progress so quickly that they feel its a miracle. I know. I have been in talk therapy for many years myself and still struggling with some behaviours.

So I want to put this out to any who read this, to pass it on, to veterans who are struggling, or their family members who are worrying, to contact me. I will pass on every tool I have that will lead you in the direction of health  and hope and recovery.
Call me and I will make sure we can do a session of Brainspotting to give you an experience of this therapy, to see if it can assist in affect regulating the effects of Trauma.

It has been live saving the men  and women in recovery that have helped me on the way to my own healing. I will always be in debt to their generosity , and this is a way of paying it back.

So please share this, pass on my details, go to my website and I will be in touch. I will add at the bottom of this blog some really helpful video links to help deal with trauma, please read , listen learn and reach out. There is more to life than suffering.
PTSD Trauma Links
Dr Bessell Van Der Kolk
Bessel van der Kolk ----All Briilant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter Levine: PTSD SPECALIST  Book: The Unspoken Voice
Resource Links
Stephen Porges Book: Polyvagal Theroy
Poloyvagal Theroy. Fantatsic to understand the Body’s reaction to Trauma
Dan Siegel. Wheel of awareness- Grows new neuropathways.
Mindsight-Dan siegel---- amazing man, worth a listen   Go to resource section. Lots of great work.
Allan N Schore: Affect Regulation and Attachment conditions.
The most important years of our life-effects of Trauma on Childhood development
This guy is a world leader in Trauma treatment
David Grand: Brainspotting

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