Tuesday 25 April 2017

Sex Addiction Treatment in Australia just got a real shot in the Arm!

One of my esteemed colleagues, Cara Crossan has a new website. I consider her one if the worlds best therapists and Australia best Sex Addiction authority. 
Joining her in is Michael Rooney as an intern Psychotherapist. 

 I had the pleasure of working with Cara when she was hired by South Pacific Hospital as an addiction specialist . She bought a level of expertise to the impatient treatment of sex addiction to the Hospital that the work that continues there to this day. Since then she has been an influence and a friend, a fellow journey woman on this road of the healing spirit. Grateful forever I will be for the regular inspiration.

In a time when Sex Addiction is deeply impacting many generations of families, men and women alike, as well as creating dilemmas for young people like we have never seen before, this service being offered by Cara and Michael could not come at a better time for Australia. 
Contact them for support and enquiry, and blessings my friends for the healing you will bring to many .

Sunday 2 April 2017

Trauma -Recovery-Radical Exposure Therapy and the Gifts of Learning from Great Teachers.

It hit me riding back from Newcastle that I was very grateful to have some amazing women teachers in my life. The privilege of receiving the generous wisdom given with such integrity and heart. 
June Lake is my spiritual Godmother and Yallom supervisor. Irving is her supervisor . June can hold you at your growing edge longer than anyone I know, and you are sure you are in the safest hands.

Roby Abeles and Salene Souza , Taught me Brainspotting , two amazing women of incredible  skill   , changing the face of Trauma resolution in Australia .my continued learning from these master therapists leaves me inspired and hungry for more .

Alexandra Katehakis - Clinical Director of the Center for Healthy Sex, is my Sex Addiction supervisor guides me , teaches me and impresses me with her depth, wisdom and expertise in what is societies great pandemic  right now.( see Sex Addiction as Affect Dysregulation- available of Amazon)

 This last Friday and Saturday I spent two days in advanced training with Laurie McKinnon. I found myself in a masterclass by Laurie over two years ago, and was overwhelmed by how efficient and clear her trauma technique was. 
Radical Exposure therapy , which you can look at an example on Laurie website quickly gets to the heart of the matter. Like Brainspotting it works at a subcortical level of affect regulation and repair.
She videos a lot of her sessions, and I'm so glad but you have to see it to believe it. It also makes her work so transparent . There is know where to hide when you are in the presence of such precision , but the learning is real time and immediate .
We might be from the land down under but there are some amazing master therapists in our midst, and I will always be grateful for learning the next step in the learning process.
I have added the contact details below for training and enquiry.