Tuesday 25 April 2017

Sex Addiction Treatment in Australia just got a real shot in the Arm!

One of my esteemed colleagues, Cara Crossan has a new website. I consider her one if the worlds best therapists and Australia best Sex Addiction authority. 
Joining her in is Michael Rooney as an intern Psychotherapist. 

 I had the pleasure of working with Cara when she was hired by South Pacific Hospital as an addiction specialist . She bought a level of expertise to the impatient treatment of sex addiction to the Hospital that the work that continues there to this day. Since then she has been an influence and a friend, a fellow journey woman on this road of the healing spirit. Grateful forever I will be for the regular inspiration.

In a time when Sex Addiction is deeply impacting many generations of families, men and women alike, as well as creating dilemmas for young people like we have never seen before, this service being offered by Cara and Michael could not come at a better time for Australia. 
Contact them for support and enquiry, and blessings my friends for the healing you will bring to many .