Saturday 22 August 2015

Spiritual Journey

Here is a song I wrote many years ago, it's a spiritual song, it was for a record of spiritual numbers that celebrated the spiritual awakening that can happen when you work your program. I have been Baptized in recovery by the honorable Greg Hirst, I have studied the Great Spirit and carry pipe under the teaching of Annie Whitefeather, I have sat in Darshan in Puttatparthi India with Sathya Sai Baba. All of these experiences are part of who I am. I do believe though its the 29 years of sitting in 12 step meetings, hearing the hearts of others, and sharing mine that has shown me the face of the creator. All the rest saved my soul, the rooms though saved my life. I am grateful to be on the road of recovery, with a spiritual awakening guiding the way. Thank you to all my teachers, sponsors, sponsee's, colleagues , peers, clients, and friends I haven't met yet. My wifes daily devotion to our children, and the beautiful spontaneous nature of my beautiful boys Marshal and Maverick and opened a deep love in me I never thought I could even feel.What a blessing this all is. Be gentle with your hearts.

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