Monday 1 May 2017

Mentors and other manly things.

I read Flying Boy in the late 80's, and the books that followed shaped my early recovery as a man. Facing the Fire, At My Fathers Wedding-all contributed to me dealing with the pain , shame and anger that was burnt into me from the mentally ill home I was raised. Over the years I have followed John, and eventually was able to access him as a supervisor for my own work.
Now as I aspire to put my own thoughts on paper, John is my rock. A more generous man of heart I am not sure I have met. I was an under fathered man, and mentors have filled that space in my life. I am truly blessed to be able to call John a mentor of mine. Spending the day with him today in Austin Texas, something I have done before, has enriched and inspired me once again to travel well on this recovery road.

When I was 22 years old and started on this path, I wondered who I would become and whether being sober, and following a spiritual path. Would I be happy, would life be a fun adventure. It has been that and much more. All I had in he beginning was the gut feeling to trust the process. It was a small piece of wisdom in an otherwise troubled mind. Thank God for the intuition to leave the old behind and welcome in the new. The other thing life has certainly been what happens when you are busy making other plans. I am glad I never gave up on the way. As they say dont give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens.

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