Sunday 14 May 2017

Australian and New Zealand Addictions Conference 2017

Heading to the Australian and New Zealand Addictions Conference on the Gold Coast . Being on the committee I had the privilege of sifting through applications to present. It was exciting the quality and variety . I'm proud that my dear colleagues Dr Roby Abeles is presenting on Brainspotting, Cara Crossan on Porn Addiction and Sharalyn Drayton on Partners of Sex Addiction . 

I'm presenting this year on a 12 week Trauma informed addiction intervention. It's been the gift of working for the Department of Health at Hornsby Hospital for a year and in Private Practice and having to sharpen the delivery of arresting addiction and identifying and starting the road to recovery for underlying trauma.

After being fresh back from the International Institutes for Trauma and Addiction Professionals Symposium

In Phoenix Arizona, I am focused and passionate about being part of showing what the Southern Hemisphere has to offer the Addiction Treatment field.Steve Stokes

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