Sunday 2 July 2017

Resources for Stopping Sugar and getting your life back

Its Been over six months now Sugar Free. Been following these Principles and been getting extra support from my Recovery Community. I was a guy in long term drug and alcohol recovery that was going to kill himself with food.
Peter Fitzsimmons book just made it real , spoke clearly to the aussie bloke, and gave me hope. Catherine Gordon have me the meat and (no Potatoes) approach to setting a meal plan I could achieve.
Jason Fung is someone now I am turning to that has the science to back up Peter Fitzsimmons book, and Catherine's work, and medically challenges the status quo of the dieting community.
I am by no means out of the woods. But I started at 116 kilo and am no 95, and still losing, slowly, achievable and without starvation. The Cravings have passed. I am truly grateful to have more energy, to be exercising again with the wonderful Calvin from Never Better Fitness, and have a lot more energy for my boys.

Now its tackling the Busyness addiction, which starts today, as I am in full time private practice and have left my Hornsby Hospital Contract.
Life Balance, to be connected, to myself, to my family and to God.

Eating Disorder/Obesity/Sugar Free links and resources.

Links for obesity/diabetes
Guys name is Dr Jason Fung.
This is the first video in a 6 part series.
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3:
Part 5:
Part 6 :

The Obesity Code:

Catherine Gordon:

Peter Fitzsimmons:

Pete Walker:
Pete is essential for all of us that have developmental trauma at the core of our avoiding reality disorders. I learnt that sugar and overeating medicated me away from the painful feelings that arose from living day by day in a dysfunctional family system.

Overeaters Anonymous:

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