Saturday 26 August 2017

Pornography and the Brain- Presentation by Donald Hilton

This is one of the most articulate , concise, evidenced based, historical, helpful and human conversations on this subject. 
This issue , thought provokingly presented by cutting edge director Justin Hunt in his documentary Addicted to Porn- Chasing the Cardboard Butterfly, is here presented passionately and scientifically in this lecture by Dr Donald Hilton, who also appears in the film.

Please if you struggle with accepting addiction as a disease, even a dis-ease, then please watch this and think for yourself.

What Donald is able to marry here is the disease concept and the Dissconnection to Connection recovery concept being presented largely as in opposition to 12 step recovery and the disease model.

As a counsellor and in long term recovery person I have always been confused by this .
I have found the effects of being part of a fellowship of men and women, with a common purpose- spiritual awakening , as a pathway out of the isolation of addiction has been life saving.
The interpersonal neurobiologist Daniel Siegel captures the therapeutic value of this relationship in his Triangle of Human Experience and his Healthy Life ( Brain) Platter concept for giving the developmentally traumatised Brain a good chance to repair and create new intergrated pathways.
The hardware of the brain is effected greatly by the relationships chosen as they focus our awareness. This is what the therapeutic value of 12 step peer and sponsorship Connection offers. Real long term positive impact on the brains reward systems, outlined by Patrick Carnes in his 30 point recovery plan as the experience of addicts in the growth stage , which is about years 2-5 in cycle of recovery with abstinence.
So pease enjoy this presentation. Dr Hilton is a leader in this field and his intelligence and ability to make neuroscience human and accessible is divine.

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