Sunday 10 July 2016

Adult Children of Alcoholics forst Sydney Unity Day!

There is a lot of Buzz about this Unity Day in Sydney.
ACA 1st Anniversary Unity Day
July 17, 2016, 9am - 5pm
McMahons Point Community Centre
165 Blues Point Rd, McMahons Point NSW 2196 Australia.
If you have come from any dysfunctional -less than nurturing or stressed parenting, then there could be some Gold in this fellowship
I look forward to presenting the workshop on Pia Mellody's concept of Re-parenting. It has been an essential life changing concept to know how to identify when I am in the symtoms of my trauma. To connect with the Wounded Child and learn how to nurture, support and connect instead of going to the Adaptions and criticize , abandon and neglect myself, continuing the abandonment and Toxic shaming of my childhood.
One of my favourite talks Pia has on record is titled Mapping your Recovery, and it is this talk she gave at and ACOA conference that I will be drawing on for this presentation through my own personal experience. You can purchase this MP3 from the Meadows, Treatment Center, Arizona, USA.
ACOA started with working with Adults from Alcoholic Family systems, however with what we know now about all addictions impacting the same rewards system in the brain, as an affect regulator to cope with attachment issues from developmental trauma , neglect and abuse, it opens up the wonderful tools of Adult Children of Alcoholics to be useful to all folks that grew up in a dsyfunctioning family system. Anything that gets you half an inch closer to God ( your Miracle) (Your core self) Take it. Look forward to seeing you there! Please share this post and flyer with anyone you think might benefit

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