Sunday 18 September 2016


A friend was talking today about this sheet. Over the years I have worked hard to better understand my own feelings, and have worked with many others as they got to know their own better.

Something that comes so naturally can be so distorted when you experience trauma, neglect and abuse. Not knowing how you are feeling, carrying feelings of others due to damaged boundaries, blaming others for your own feelings, and the frozen energy of your traumatized feelings stuck in the Body is a spiritual crisis, to which dishonesty to others becomes the only way to live day to day. Especially dishonesty by omission.

I came from a don't talk, don't trust, don't feel family system. Today I try to own and identify my own feelings. Im still not as good at it as I want to be. When my boys have feelings, I listen, when they are in pain , I hold them, no matter what it is that has happened. In my house it is ok to feel angry, sad, lonely, shame, guilt, love , joy and pain. All feelings are ok, all feelings matter. Sometimes feelings are not facts, but its is still a fact I am having the feeling and expressing it and getting my reality checked supported, and changed if necessary, is essential to my wellbeing.

I have come to far along the path to stop now. Tonight I was in the company of men , in a heart circle, with men that are on the same path.
I am grateful I have found my tribe. I feel Love and Joy/ Pain. (Thank you Pia Mellody for the beautiful melding of those two words)
Here's to those that are Trudging the Road to your Happy Destiny)

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