Saturday 24 September 2016

New book on Sex Addiction

Like how the groundbreaking work by Patrick Carnes working with Sex Addiction opened up  better resources to deal with all addictions, Alexandra Katehakis builds on Patrick's work and combines the neuroscience of Dr Allan Schore, who better informed us about impact of Developmental Trauma that drives the Addiction issues in our lives.

Pia Mellody , who in creating a pathway out of her own personal hell once she was sober, but still suffering with what she defined as the Disease of Codependency , the work was largely created from her own experiential wisdom, allowing it to be critiqued harshly by those in the field of addiction. Now , forty years latter , as the best selling book in the field of trauma is called The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel Van Der Kolk-Pia Mellody  has been exposed as frighteningly before her time.

 Before the words amygdala was being used as much as it is today, and our sub-cortical knowledge of the impact of trauma largely unknown to coalface workers, Pia Mellody was working with the affect dysregulation that results from adverse childhood experience, redefining what we called trauma, and working with the Body and the Feeling states like no other before her. The results were astounding.

Recently a long term recovering person lamented that nobody is coming through  as the recovery Giants start to pass on. I said no,  your wrong. John Bradshaw RIP, stated once that he stood on the shoulders of Giants to do his work . Well his broad shoulders have many feet resting on them , and an  inspirational voice standing tall is Alexandra Katehakis.

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