Saturday 24 September 2016

Mothering-Poetry in Motion

Well I will let my wife tell the story, been a hard few weeks , but a harder last few days.Little Harland been hospitalised and mum goes where baby goes, through hell and high water.
My wife is an attachment class in action everyday. Love driven regulating machine. She is human, we all are, but the repair is what makes the connection even stronger.
My two older boys have had a great few days. Marshal, said yesterday and today , we have had you all day just to ourselves, and it s AWESOME!. It was awesome to me to.
I am the bread winner. I love my work with all my heart. My wife turns up to these three boys under 5, every minute of every day. After two days I lay here exhausted, in love, full of love, but exhausted. Bradshaw stated years ago in Healing the Shame ThaT Binds You that its a two person job raising children. It needs so much more. I am grateful to our friends that love our, They need the village. My wife though, well she is the heart and the ballast. I can see the boys have had fun , and they get a lot of love and cuddles and kisses from me, so the tenderness is there, but a mothers love, is built second by second from birth, through the tantrums , tears and the love and laughter. Poetry in motion.

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