Friday 13 May 2016

Australian Childhood Foundation Trauma Conference 2016-Here I come!

Excited to find this week I am still presenting at the Australian Childhood Foundation Trauma Conference. 2014 was the best conference I have ever attended in my life. Ed Tronick, Cindy Blackstock, Pat Ogden, Allan Schore, Dan Siegel and Stephen Porges to name a few-my brain was on fire.

I got to the front row regularly out of pure passionate enthusiasm with my peers.

I had thought the opportunity was lost due to my changed role, but as I re-registered for the conference in my own right, I was offered to speak as Steve Stokes Counselling Services!

Then when I looked up the website, there is a photo with Dan Siegel presenting and in the front row is Andrea Szasz, Jodi Gale, Roby Abeles, Salene Souza and me! I had so much fun hanging with those guys. I tried to tweet as much as Jodi, but my thumbs just couldn't keep up with the "AHA" moments!

Just across from us is all the international contingent. It was such an honor to here them share their life's work. More information than my poor brain could ever hold. I am in admiration of greatness tonight. 
Thinking of riding to the conference to on the 
Trumpy to get my head centered and mindful to learn, learn , learn, oh, and yes-Present!

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