Sunday 15 May 2016

Self Esteem-Toxic Shame-Soul Murder

Was updating my social media and came across this webinar. I am convinced now more than ever that Bradshaw (R.I.P) had it right when he called the Toxic Shame a child feels when they experience covert or overt abuse, is SOUL MURDER.

It robs a child of the felt sense that they will be ok inside themselves and inside the world in which they live. Dr Allan Schore points out so clearly that the affect regulation disability is profound when we experienced damaged attachment. The lived experience of this is truly awful.

Its a wound that is carried until it is healed, and it is no mean feat to shame reduce and work on affirming the core of self, and process the effects of the core trauma. They say an addict alone is in bad company, but I truly believe addiction is only a primary symptom, as Pia Mellody points out.

A codependent person alone is not only in bad company, they are being battered by an inner critic that actually feels normal. Even long into recovery it can still feel normal to be in the disease then in the recovery from trauma.

Please be gentle with your hearts my friends. Advice I give myself right now. I hope this webinar steers your towards support. It was awesome to put it together. I learnt alot.

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