Tuesday 10 May 2016

healing the Shame that Binds You-Thank you John Bradshaw for your courageous life.

This was the master piece that for me started a love affair, or as Pia Mellody stated, a joy/pain relationship with the recovery path
. I had no idea I was shame based. I just thought I was a bad person, of no value, and tried hard to always prove to myself and others that I was ok. It was exhausting, and lead me down the path of addiction, which nearly killed. Even to this day I have to work daily to maintain and hold a sense of value.
Please dont be put off by the time/era. The message is gold.

To A Child - Poem by Christopher Morley

(Bradshaw quotes this in video)
The greatest poem ever known
Is one all poets have outgrown:
The poetry, innate, untold,
Of being only four years old.

Still young enough to be a part
Of Nature's great impulsive heart,
Born comrade of bird, beast, and tree
And unselfconscious as the bee-

And yet with lovely reason skilled
Each day new paradise to build;
Elate explorer of each sense,
Without dismay, without pretense!

In your unstained transparent eyes
There is no conscience, no surprise:
Life's queer conundrums you accept,
Your strange divinity still kept.

Being, that now absorbs you, all
Harmonious, unit, integral,
Will shred into perplexing bits,-
Oh, contradictions of the wits!

And Life, that sets all things in rhyme,
may make you poet, too, in time-
But there were days, O tender elf,
When you were Poetry itself!
Christopher Morley

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