Friday 27 May 2016

Indecision and CPTSD

Thank you Lex Mega for sending this through today . Hazeldens Mens reading. I was lost in rigid thinking trying to decide whether to ride the Brass Monkey run or stay focused where my intuition was leading me today. 
Indecision had been a real symptom of my CPTSD . Being disconnection from my centre means the smallest of decisions sometimes become overwhelming and then there is no way out when the implicit feeling state hits and I feel that no matter what do from this point I will not be ok . 
Just for today, the best I can do is nurture the boy within, and trust the man I have become to make the decisions, and if I don't like what I choose, I can always choose again. 
Breathe, hand it over , Carry on.
• MAY 28 •

I sidestep the either/or choices of logic and choose both.

—Ken Feit

Men like us have often had a lifestyle guided by either/or logic. We think we must either conquer the challenge we see before us or we will be failures. We think loved ones must either meet our needs or they do not love us. We think we must either be perfect or we are unacceptable.

Let us now step back from the rigidity of such unhealthy logic. Much of human experience and many answers to our problems don't come in neatly tied packages. As we learn to think and feel in more flexible ways, we find life gets better. Using our intuition at times, rather than always following rigid rules for life, improves the recipe. The arrogance of our thought process has sometimes told us we had the answer, but it closed us to the growth which only comes by trusting our feelings. If we make mistakes, we can learn from them and go on. Many of the most ingenious inventions came not by rigidly following rules, but by following an inner feeling.

Today, I will be open to more possibilities in my thinking.

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