Tuesday 17 May 2016

The movie Spotlight. Spiritual abuse defined

For nearly 30 years I have worked with the effects of the trauma that was highlighted in this film (Spotlight). 
It was not just Sexual abuse, or physical or intellectual or emotional abuse. It was all of them combined. Pia Mellody called this Spiritual abuse.
To use a child as a man or woman of the clergy, for your own comfort, either sexually ,or expressing Rage to make living in your own skin more bearable, is Spiritually offending the child's reality. Firstly with the offence , and just as  and maybe more importantly the systemic cover up to protect the offenders then robs the child further if the opportunity to grieve. 
It disconnects them from their core, their own connection with a higher power of their choosing, whether it be God, or their own higher consciousness . This is by for the greater sin (harm) .
When you cannot exist inside yourself, having the ability to regulate your own state, you can spend your life surviving and trying to escape yourself ( addictions, mental health issues, physical illness) .
The grief of this is catastrophic .
My heart has broken many times as I witness brave souls come back into their own bodies and grieve deeply . What a beautiful courage this is. What a privilege to be present to the homecoming. How heart warming it is to watch the shame be given back, and the relief that comes over folks at a spiritual level when the space that is created inside themselves brings them back to the doorway of their soul. 
To be able to choose again who you are and what YOU believe .
Shame on you ! It is not my SHAME! 
Viva the revolution! 

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