Tuesday 10 May 2016

Recovery Icon John Bradshaw passes away.

Well I am just l learning this news. God rest his soul and support the hearts of Family and close friends . 
The loss must be indescribable .
To the rest of the recovery community we have lost an icon. A man who humbly stated that he stood on the shoulders of giants, only to become a true giant himself. His illumination on the damage of dysfunction to child development was ahead of its time. 
The interpersonal neurobiologists of today's fame owe an enormous amount to Bradshaw. He was at the coalface, and his concept of Toxic Shame and Healing the Shame that Binds You reconnected many souls.
His acknowledgment of the Shame core and the passionate healing that comes through his work in Homecoming restored hope to generations to come that they could interrupt the pattern of generational abuse.
 The Family series was ground breaking and life saving, always impressed me that it was shown in prison throughout the USA to all those second child scapegoats.
I have his voice regularly in my head and as a survivor of childhood trauma  and being in recovery from many addictions, some for over 30 years now, I am in debt to Bradshaw for my life. He will always be one of the voices within me that leads me to my true north.
You will be missed you beautiful man. 

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